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Transdimensional Dance with DJ Joolz + Sound Alchemy
Transdimensional Dance with DJ Joolz + Sound Alchemy

Sun, Oct 30


Pontyberem Memorial Hall

Transdimensional Dance with DJ Joolz + Sound Alchemy

Let the veils be lifted and call upon your ancestors to release what no longer serves you, bring forth the gifts within you to share with the world as we smudge, eat, alchemise with sound and medicinal mushrooms; as we dance to the rhythms of life.

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Time & Location

Oct 30, 2022, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM GMT

Pontyberem Memorial Hall, 9 Coalbrook Rd, Pontyberem, Llanelli SA15 5HU, UK

About the Event

A 6 hour day retreat celebrating Samhain, the day the veil between dimensions is at its thinnest. Let the veils be lifted and call on your ancestors to release what no longer serves you and call in what needs to be activated within. On this special day, we will be holding space for intentions to be made as we cook the cauldron of transformation, calling in the powers of ​​Ceridwen; the Celtic Goddess whose land is Cymru, whose home is behind the veil. She who transforms and inspires with true beauty of the world, who heals, who knows both sides and holds the light as we enter Samhain.  Call forth the gifts within you to share with the world as we clear, eat, alchemise with sound and medicinal mushrooms; as we dance to the rhythms of life.

  1. Opening ceremony - Cleansing ceremony, Introductions, tarot card picking, intention setting (1 hour)
  2. Ancestral Ritual - Calling in ancestors to connect with them, mentioning names and intentions, bring a family heirloom or personal sacred item to place on the altar/shine to strengthen the connection between dimensions - (30mins)
  3. Vegan Lunch - (45 mins)
  4. Sound Alchemy Experience with Bristol Fungarium Mushroom Tinctures - sound bath session with Phan, Francisco and Eduardo (1 hour)
  5. Transdimensional Dance Journey - led and mixed by DJ Joolz (1 hour)
  6. Closing ceremony - sharing circle, honour our ancestors for presence and close portals with ceremonial ritual. Farewells (45mins)

Transdimensional  Dance Journey with Ataya (aka) DJ JOOLZ

'Have you felt the calling recently? Are you drawn to using the vessel of music and dance as a way of healing and raising your vibration?'

Ataya aka DJ Joolz invites you to join her and a collective of skilled facilitators on a journey that will allow you to embrace, absorb and surrender to the powerful gifts of sound and movement. Trans Dimensional Dance is a conscious broadcast of the purest kind of love. Channelled by Ataya using the highest level of intention within a safe space that you can explore freely without restriction or boundaries. Held at the powerful time of Samhain, this ceremony in dance is designed to honour our ancestors and those we love, who have stepped through the veil. Through movement, we can connect and transmute any guilt or negative energies that we are carrying and retune and heal ourselves to the highest frequencies of love. Music is the universal language of our world affecting us on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level allowing us to resonate and tune into the multiple layers of our vibrational world and beyond. Mother Earth has changed her song and so must we.

The new vibration of our world can be accessed to give healing and comfort amid the chaos. Together as a collective using our unique senses as we move our bodies, and tune into the sensation of sound to clear old or past life traumas, clear karmic lines, release and let go of what we no longer need or desire, we can amplify the light within our physical structure, emotional heart space and in turn create the butterfly effect required to heal our world. Music creates the doorway to our soul vibration, Ataya will guide you through each layer to access the healing magic of:

Earth our body, our sense of touch, grounding, and sense of being

Air our thoughts and the ability to move effortlessly through life

Fire to evoke movement, passion, and desire within our soul

Water to soothe our emotions and connect us to our higher selves and intuition.

Together we can create an explosion of the purest kind of love. For ourselves. Our Mother Gaia and our future.

“Sound is a living entity, it is alive, dynamic and timeless” Ataya

Sound Alchemy Experience with medicinal mushrooms

A one hour meditative sound journey with amplification - designed to create expansion of your heart and mind as you’re bathed in elemental healing sounds. Sound baths are known to encourage deep relaxation, bring more oxygen to your blood cells by promoting blood flow; removing blockages stored up from stress and hypertension.

It’s commonly known that people experience deep visions, memories and insights brought up from the inner recesses of their consciousness, brought about once we enter into altered states of consciousness as our brainwaves shift from beta to alpha and theta state. This sound bath is combined with medicinal mushrooms that are native to the UK to create a more potent alchemical process, promoting an optimum state of relaxation for our nervous systems, strengthening cognitive function and regulating our immune systems.

  • 1 hour Sound Alchemy meditative experience
  • Supplemented with Medicinal mushroom tincture 'Cordyceps' by Bristol Fungarium (Just to be clear - these are not psychedelic mushrooms)
  • Eye mask are provided for the journey
  • Bring your yoga mat and blankets. We have only 20 yoga mats for hire @£1.

Location:  Wales  Venue: Pontyberem Memorial Hall, 9 Coalbrook Rd, Pontyberem, Llanelli SA15 5HU

Ticket type: Per person @ £65

Event facilitators

Ataya (aka) DJ Joolz : As a DJ, Joolz played in Ibiza, Pacha and well-known London clubs, and was a resident DJ with God Made me Funky. She went on a spiritual journey, studying Reiki and Priestess training in Glastonbury. With Transdimensional Dance, she combines the powerful energy of music that she experienced in clubs with the healing energy of Reiki. She now produces and composes music with healing intention. 


The Sound Alchemy experience  is being held by Sound Healers Francisco Amoscotegui, Phan Tu and Eduardo Vidal , they have been working together since 2018 and are also co-creators of Earth Echo - An ecological sound harmony project that amplifies nature's resonance in a 360° spatialised sound dome. Together, they create deep multi-sensorial immersive healing events.

Kathy : Kathy Sanderson is a Spiritual Trauma Healer and Mindset Coach. She helps beings all across the world, who are on their spiritual journey to healing after experiencing negative childhood experiences or trauma, learn how to shift their mindset towards confidence, self-love, and peace. Kathy is an Advanced Theta Healer, Soul Realignment Practitioner, Forensic Healer, Light Language Practitioner, Inner Child Healer and Intuitive Energy Healer. She is also the founder of the Awakened Camping and Healing Weekend

Fi : Fi is a Master Teacher & practitioner in Reiki & Angelic Reiki healing work and communication with animals. Along her spiritual journey Fi has trained as a Priestess in Glastonbury and works to bring energy healing to everyone through Reiki, crystals and connections to plant allies. Fi also creates sacred oils and aura Sprays to bring that energy into your space.

Lorna : Lorna is an empath and energy healer who has trained in Reiki, Shamanka, crystal healing, soul retrieval and space clearing. Since being called to Wales she has also trained as a Priestess of Ceridwen and continues to work closely with Mother Mary and other beings of light, to help others find and express who they truly are so that all beings maybe whole, happy and free.

Ruth : Ruth is a Priestess of Cerridwen who uses a combination of healing modalities built up over 20 years to offer a truly holistic approach to helping people find their way. As a Psychologist, Reiki master, Hooponopono practitioner, sound activated crystal healer and psychic empath; Ruth works with people who need her, by tapping into the subconscious to unlock and remove blocks. Then supports them on a journey to self healing. 

Preparation for the event

  • Please arrive 10-15 mins before the stated start time to allow time to settle into the space.
  • Please wear comfortable loose clothing and please remove any heavy metal objects for the experience. It is advise to drink water for the event and also to be free of alcohol.
  • Guests are encouraged to bring their own yoga mats and sleeping bags or blankets for the sound bath session. However, yoga mats will be available for hire at the venue for £1 per mat.
  • If you are pregnant, it is general practice to avoid sound baths for those in the first trimester. Please do some of your own research online about sound baths if you are unsure.

Bristol Fungarium Medicinal Mushrooms Tinctures

Boost your immune health and mental focus for the winter days, we will also be offering our guests Cordycep mushroom tincture mixed with cranberry juice prior to the sound bath to enhance the alchemy of your experience.

Tinctures are also available in 30ml bottles at a discounted price for all those that attend. An online discount code will be provided on the day.

Available in :

Shiitake / Reishi / Lions Mane / Maitake / Chaga / Cordyceps

You can find out about each of the above mushrooms here.

CONTACT: If you have any questions about this event, please contact (point of contact?)


  • Day Retreat Ticket

    Full day retreat pass with vegan lunch, tarot, ancestral ritual, sound bath and transdimensional dance.

    Sale ended
  • Yoga Mat

    Required for the Sound Alchemy experience for comfort. Limited availability. Reserve yours before the retreat day.

    Sale ended



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